Credible Security Solutions, Inc.
2100 West Loop S, STE 900 Houston, TX 77027
Professional & Credible Security Officers/Bodyguards in Texas

Credible Security Solutions, Inc. (#CssOne)
'If you have a security issue, we have a credible solution!'
Professional & Credible Security Officers in Texas
Active Shooter Awareness Presentation
According to FBI statistics, an active shooter situation occurs approx. every 18 days across America. NYPD statistics claim, 46% of the attackers have been neutralized by the application of force by police and/or security & 40% of the attackers committed suicide.
Do the math..... That's 86% of the attackers who were willing to die for their cause, which has caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of physical/emotional injuries year after year in America. Your organization needs to be prepared mentally & physically.
As knowing how to run, hide and/or fight is HELPFUL, it is NOT the only solution.
How can you detect and/or deter these types of incidents before they occur?
Presented at your location, our 60-90 minute Active Shooter Awareness Presentation (#ASAP) will educate participants on the following:
Overall profile of an Active Shooter, also known as a Mass Casualty Attacker
Active Shooter statistics in America (customized to your city & your industry)
Detailed profile of an Active Shooter
Situational awareness & preventative techniques
Detecting dangerous demeanor, facial micro-expressions & reading body language of a potential attacker
Internal observations to prevent workplace violence occurrences
Interview techniques for hiring appropriately
Best practices regarding employee and/or client terminations
Run, Hide, Fight theory
Emergency Action Plan suggestions
Uniformed & armed professional security officer/s on site during the presentation (applies to businesses in the Great State of Texas)
Basic security assessment
All in attendance will have an opportunity to win a $100.00 Visa Gift Card
We offer an interactive 60-90 minute presentation to include video, audio, questions/answers & free giveaways. We are one of the very few security companies in the world conducting a presentation with this much information, in such a short period of time.
To learn more about the presentation, options, pricing & to schedule a meeting, click here now to contact us or click on the #CSSONE below. Until then, Stay Alert & Be Safe! #SABS #ASAP