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Macro-expressions of Sadness and Emotional Outpouring


In previous blogs we've written as well as in our e-guide, we've covered the topics of reading body language and micro-expressions. We've never really spoken to much about macro-expressions, which could lead to emotional outpouring. Keeping your emotions under control is not always easy, even for the toughest of women and men. Michael Sam 

was selected by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round of the 2014 NFL Draft with the 249th overall pick, becoming the first publicly gay player to be drafted in the league. If he plays in the NFL, he will also be the first active professional football player to have publicly come out. 

Watch the video below of his reaction when he found out he was drafted. 

Did you know that according to research that our affiliate Humintell reported on 

in a past blog, crying tears for emotional reasons is a trait unique to humans. Michael Trimble, a British researcher at the Institute of Neurology in London notes that if only humans cry emotionally then there must have been a time in human evolution when tears took on an additional meaning to their hitherto biological functions, namely as a signal of distress, and a cipher for suffering.

In another blog by Humintell, they commented on the emotional stirrings that many of us report having on airplanes.  In 2011, Virgin Atlantic ran a survey asking customers to describe their on-flight emotional experiences. Overall, 55% of travelers said they had “experienced heightened emotions while flying,” and as the stunning statistic previously mentioned, 41% have also shed some in flight tears. These statistics are something that I can personally relate to due to a previous experience. 

I began writing my autobiography on a commercial flight from Baltimore, MD to Houston, TX. After writing the entire introduction of my still-in-progress book on that flight and proofreading it a few times, there were tears that actually came to my eyes during that time. Reading what I'd written made me reflect upon where I started in life and where I was on that particular day. I've actually decided to include that part of the of the book in this blog. These are the actual words used, so you can get a brief sneak peek at my first soon to be NY Times best seller. 

"It has taken me many years of requests, suggestions and thoughts to basically start with this opening sentence in my first book. There have been many different people in my life throughout the years that I have shared my various life accounts with, whom after hearing the story, would ask "Why don't you write a book?" After being asked that question many times throughout my life by people from all walks of life that included my family, my children, personal friends, doctors, lawyers and even by people who sold drugs and committed other criminal acts. It wasn't until a very dear friend of mine had asked the same question -"Why don't you write a book?" It only took her once to ask that before the proverbial light bulb above my head was actually created and the decision was made to follow through, or at least in theory. She asked that question on numerous occasions since the first time and it wasn't until approximately 3 years later that I began to type these words on my smartphone while flying from Baltimore, MD to Houston, TX. 

So, after living 44 years, 7 months, 19 days and some odd hours, it is this day that I begin to share with you my life story. My hope is to at least touch just one young person and let him or her know, that no matter what your upbringing, no matter what path you've chosen or are currently on, there is a way to change, adjust, improve and succeed. As I wrote that last line, I began to get choked up and a tear fell from the corner of my left eye. As I re-read what I just wrote, again, I became even more choked up and emotional. I guess after living hopefully what is at least half of my life, reflecting upon how I changed and then thinking of how I can help someone today by sharing my story, has made me quite sentimental........."

So in closing, macro-expressions can lead to emotional outpouring and I certainly identify with the 55 % of respondents that stated they'd experienced heightened emotions while flying, since I did as well. Please feel free to share any of your in flight stories below or to

 learn more about macro-expressions and micro-expressions, please click here. I

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