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What is the key to reading body language effectively during an interview?

There are two characteristics one should look for when conducting an interview in order to read an individual’s body language appropriately and those would be comfort and/or discomfort.  

If the interviewer is asking open ended questions, such as “When is the first time this investigation would show you causing a loss?” As opposed to “Have you ever caused a loss?” Or, with job screening questions such as "Tell me about a time you were terminated by one of your previous employers." as opposed to "Have you ever been terminated by one of your previous employers?" This will cause the guilty party to think more about the answer, which in turn may cause non-verbal modes of communication or body language markers of discomfort.  Some of these markers may include a facial micro-expression of fear or sadness, a slouching body posture, the slight shrug of a shoulder and/or manipulators such as tugging upon one’s ear.  There may also be signs of soothing such as stroking ones leg or hands during particular questions. 

To be a successful interviewer, one needs to learn how to ask open ended questions, listen to the subject’s responses word for word as well be able to decipher the body language and micro-expressions that occur during every interview. To learn more about micro-expressions, please click here .To learn more about our Interviews for Success luncheons, please click here and to obtain our FREE e-guide; 8 CREDIBLE STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL INTERVIEW, please CLICK HERE. 

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